Previous editions:
8th Edition: Riga Bootcamp, June 2023
MikroTik Camp
In six days we will deliver five training classes at the same time,
by five skilled Trainers
for a total of TEN training courses
The week’s training agenda has been planned with care to allow you to take more than one training in a logical order.
All trainings will be hosted in MikroTik’s own RouterOS Training Centre located in Riga, Latvia!
Nearly two weeks in Riga are over. Not only have I got my MTCRE and my MTCINE I am also a MikroTik Certified Trainer now. I met a lot of new People here and I enjoyed the time so much. But it is time to go home now to my family.
Special thanks to my Trainers Barry Higgins and Lorenzo Busatti
#mikrotik #bootcamp #2018 #riga #latvia
It's not just about the certificates, the week in riga was full of information on BGP , OSPF, MPLS and VPLS and much more. Got me feeling proud of myself!
Back home with 2 new MikroTik certificates after a whole week of MikroTik training en lots of fun in Riga, Latvia. Want to get hold of MikroTik certificates? Get training from the best trainers? And make new MikroTik friends from countries all over Europe? The next MikroTik Bootcamp training is in november of this year and I can highly recommend it!
#MikroTik #MTCWE #MTCIPv6E #Wireless #WiFi #engineer #training
After a full week of training MikroTik at Riga, Latvia both Frank and myself passed 2 exams with both exams acquiring the Consultant status. MTCRE (MikroTik Certified Routing Engineer) and MTCTCE (MikroTik Certified Traffic Control Engineer). 1 exhausting week with more then satisfying results. Time to head home now and spread the knowledge. Thanks to Menno van Krimpen & Lorenzo Busatti for beeing such excellent and patient trainers. Kudo's to you guys.
Highly recommended by this Bootcamp survivor! #MikroTik #bootcamp #training
What an amazing training experience! I've done loads of training courses before, even some from other MikroTik trainers, but this last week in Riga was mentally exhausting but amazing fun, especially the day spent touring Riga and the brilliant networking diagnostic games you set up for us all. You guys rock! You have not only taught me a heck of a lot about MikroTik but given me a great time in Riga I will never forget! Can't thank Ron and Lorenzo enough for putting up with me! If you're going to be planning another one, I am definitely coming again to get another two certificates!